THANK YOU! - Arrizza "Under the Stars" concert presentation

A BIG THANK YOU - to everyone who attended this year's “Arrizza - Under the Stars” concert presentation at the Vanderbilt Museum & Planetarium. On Sunday, April 21, 2024, I performed yet again at the Vanderbilt with much fanfare. It was a success, at least 70 tickets sold. The hour quickly went by as folks enjoyed it and danced in their seats as they witnessed the stunning 360 degree full-dome visuals accompanied by a laser light show enhanced by atmospheric haze. It was a one-of-a-kind unique event that is never duplicated, each show being slightly different from another, so folks who attended were in for an audiovisual spectacle of light and sound!

Special thanks to planetarium director, Dave Bush, and the planetarium staff for helping me with setting up and making the event run as smoothly as it did. 

I managed to sell all of my CDs (wow!) and spent and hour talking with some rather interesting people who attended. Another one in the bag!

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