FALL/WINTER NEWS 2023 - Holiday/Black Friday Week Sale - Arrizza "10th anniversary re-release"

HAPPY HOLIDAYS! - from Arrizza

Greetings everyone! First off, I would like to wish a very happy holidays from my heart. May the holiday season bring warmth and comfort to your families. As this year closes, may we think about the great times had and the many memories cherished. I for one, will remember this year as a very productive one. I have been very busy in the studio working on a lot of new music! I have two new albums in the works, one a more New Age-oriented album featuring more subdued Electronica including Spanish guitar and even some vocals. The other album is the long-awaited second Spanish guitar album that I have shelved many more times than I can count lol. Reason. being is that I have had some other commitments that have come as well as financial drawbacks as I couldn't fund the making of it. On top of that, I was in the process of re-doing my home studio setup and making some major upgrades to it. I am ready to tackle it coming into the new year. This 2024 is shaping up to be a most exciting year, much new music coming out and some live performances as well. I hope to get out there and do some more, I am excited to say that I have been invited back to the Vanderbilt Planetarium to perform my successful program, “Arrizza - Under the Stars” once again, how awesome is that! It will be bigger and better!! 

So lots coming up! To keep up with the latest, check out my website and social media regularly as you never quite know what news will come out! 

Blessings, Arrizza


For a limited time, both my albums, Arrizza & Astronomia, are on sale for only $10! Plus, until December 2, buy Astronomia and get it for 10% off discount. Type in the code, “BF2023” upon checkout to get it for a reduced price! - EXCLUSIVE ONLY ON BANDCAMP - 


ARRIZZA - “10th anniversary re-release”

Back in 2014, I released my first debut album, “Arrizza”, on a budget. I recorded it using minimal recording equipment in my fledgling home project studio. I was new to recording and didn't know much about how to get the perfect sound. Back then, I still had my first Spanish guitar that by now is completely worn out from years of intense practice and officially retired. I embarked on my first recording project with a single dream of sharing my music to the world. Much to my surprise, it received a modest amount of attention as people from near and far listened to it and gave me praise for the song selections. I was touched…

Looking back on it, I wished I had recorded it with better gear and more knowledge of audio recording. Listening back to it in retrospect, I realized that it was NOT the best recording job ever done. I heard some mistakes, a few artifacts and glitches in the audio and most importantly, the tonal balance between highs and lows were inconsistent. Despite that, it still was well-received and liked by listeners across the globe. Fast forward to now, I thought, now that I have better recording gear, better guitars at my disposal, more expressive synthesizers and far more knowledge than I did 10 years ago, and noting that it would be its 10th year anniversary, I thought, “why not re-do it again?" So, last month, I began listening back to my old mixes of the original songs and started sorting out all the tracks, some I even had to re-discover them as audio files were missing. I then commenced re-mastering each song, track-by-track, fixing those inconsistencies as much as I possibly could. I even re-mixed a few with some subtle added musical enhancements to bring out the best in the songs. I also started re-tracking some of the guitars that I felt needed some work done. I tried to leave as much of it untouched, keeping the original feel and vibe of the overall album. 

It is still a work-in-progress, but I am getting closer to my desired result, which is to retain the album's original feel but with an improved sound quality that will sound good on any sound system. That is the hope. I hope to share more of this process in the next few months. I am looking to re-release the newly-revised album sometime early 2024, so keep checking on my website and social media for the latest!

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